Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured during a robbery at his home in Bandra, Mumbai, on January 16, 2025. The incident occurred late at night, around 2:30 AM, when an unidentified intruder entered his residence.
The attacker stabbed Saif six times, with two wounds being severe. One injury was dangerously close to his spine. Fortunately, the actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where a team of doctors, including neurosurgeon Dr. Nitin Dange and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Leena Jain, performed immediate surgery. According to hospital reports, Saif is currently stable and out of danger.
Mumbai Police have launched an investigation to identify and catch the attacker, who fled the scene after the assault. Security around Saif’s home has been tightened, and police are questioning witnesses and analyzing CCTV footage for clues.
Fans and fellow actors have expressed shock and concern over the incident. Many have taken to social media to wish Saif a speedy recovery.
This shocking incident highlights the importance of enhanced home security measures, even for public figures. Saif Ali Khan is one of Bollywood’s most loved actors, and his fans hope to see him back in good health soon.
The investigation is ongoing, and further updates are awaited as authorities work to ensure justice is served.