In a significant move to enhance India's crime-fighting capabilities, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has launched BharatPol, a centralized online portal designed to streamline...
In an unprecedented leap toward combating global warming, scientists are exploring the potential of creating artificial solar eclipses using satellites to block portions of...
India's Union Information and Broadcasting as well as Electronics and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw met with Meta's Chief AI Scientist Yann LeCun today...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi underscored India's unwavering commitment to the "global good" during the Quad Summit 2024 in Wilmington, Delaware, hosted by US President...
As the world grapples with the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), India finds itself at a critical juncture in shaping global AI governance....
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising multiple sectors globally, and its potential to accelerate the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is increasingly being recognised....
New scientific understanding and engineering techniques have always impressed and frightened. No doubt they will continue to.
OpenAI recently announced that it anticipates "superintelligence" –...
OpenAI on Thursday announced a search engine, SearchGPT, infused with artificial intelligence.
The company said that SearchGPT will combine its AI technology with real-time information...
India is making significant strides in its effort to establish the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) as the leading authority on all matters...
For an entire generation of engineers, scientists, sci-fi enthusiasts and public, who grew up watching Star Wars, there’s a disappointing lack of C-3PO like...
Hollywood superstar Scarlett Johansson criticised OpenAI over a ChatGPT AI voice that she claims is “eerily similar” to hers. The actor was “forced to hire...